Caring for Fine Jewelry - 4 Important Tips

Did you know even if you left your beautiful diamond ring in a drawer too scared to wear it and lose or ruin it somehow, it would still develop tarnish? No matter what you do or how careful you are there is always a need to care for your jewelry properly. Your body chemistry, the environment and some kinds of chemicals can alter the color of your favorite pieces, which can be pretty devastating. Proper jewelry care can ensure that each of your items always looks its best so you can be proud to wear it.

Diamond ring

First, to understand how to care for your jewelry it is important to understand the issues that commonly arise. Tarnish is a thin layer of corrosion that develops on metals like (sterling) silver and copper as their outermost layer undergoes a chemical reaction. Oxygen, airborne pollutants, dust and moisture are the main causes for tarnished jewelry. When jewelry gets tarnished / oxidized the metal often looks dull, gray or it looks like it has a black film / coating / patina, which can really reduce the beauty of your jewelry. 

Luckily, restoring your jewelry’s original shine is possible. Using these tips on proper jewelry maintenance can help guarantee long lasting beauty in each piece. 

Vintage jewelry boxes
  1. Storing - After a long day you may be ready to just toss your jewelry on the nightstand and crawl into bed, doesn’t seem like it would be a big deal, but it can be. The best place for jewelry storage is a cool dark place. Having a jewelry box is the best way to store your items. To store small earrings, use a button! Put each in a hole of the button, put them in your box, and say goodbye to the extra time spent trying to find the match. Tired of your necklaces getting tangled up? Use a straw! Put one side into the straw and fasten. If you put a piece of chalk or a bag of silica inside your jewelry box, it will absorb moisture. Change it for a new one every couple of months.

  2. Wearing - Always remember to put your jewelry on last! Your everyday skin care contains products that can cause tarnish. After applying lotion, body wash, perfume, etc, give it time to settle before putting on your jewelry. When to avoid wearing jewelry:

    • while at a salon

    • while swimming for an extended period of time

  3. Cleaning -  Daily you can clean your jewelry gently with some water and a soft cloth in order to remove skin oils, dust, makeup, etc., it will really help prevent the forming of tarnish on your jewelry. Just make sure that the jewelry is really dry before storing it in your jewelry box. For more intense cleaning, seek professional help. 

  4. Protecting - Insurance is a legal requirement for most important things in your life, or at least highly recommended, Jewelry is no exception. Be sure to have your fine pieces appraised and carry insurance on them to protect against the unforeseeable. 

Diamond bracelet

Whether you have fine jewelry you wear daily, or a few pieces to pull out on special occasions, following these tips will help keep your jewelry in good condition. Fine jewelry is an investment and just like your car needing scheduled maintenance, or your home needing cleaned and maintained regularly, your jewelry needs the same attention. Whether you need your jewelry appraised for insurance, or repairs to a piece Ohio Gem Lab is the place for you. Being in the business for over 35 years the staff at Ohio Gem Lab can help you make sure your jewelry is getting the care it deserves. Call today to book an appointment for an appraisal, repair, or authentication!


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