Which March Birthstone is the One for You?

Birthstone ring

Each month has its own birthstones with vivid histories, mythologies, and traditions. For those Aries and Pisces born in March, you’ve got two different birthstones you can choose to adorn yourself with and that can work for whatever your fashion taste. You have the choice between Aquamarine and bloodstones for your jewelry needs. Each has a rich history of uses, traditions, and myths surrounding them which can help you decide which one or both best suit you as well as when is best to give to a March-born person you may be shopping for.

Aquamarine, Latin for seawater, was believed to be the gem that calmed waves and kept sailors safe at sea, making you fast to think and indomitable. This beautiful blue gem is usually a favorite among spring birthstones and has a history of being given as gifts. It’s also a traditional anniversary present for the 19th year of marriage and has been given as political gifts in the past (one such example being one of the largest Aquamarines being gifted to Elenore Roosevelt from Brazil). 

Bloodstone, March's birthstone

The other birthstone for March is the Bloodstone, or heliotrope, meaning, “to turn the sun” as a myth of the sun turning red if they were placed in water.This is because Bloodstone is a dark-green color with bright red spots of iron mixed in. Commonly found in riverbeds in India, Brazil, and Australia, this gem is said to traditionally have been good for preserving youth and health for those that have it. Now it’s seen as good luck by many who wear it in jewelry or keep these stones.

With rich histories, myths, and perceived qualities about each stone, you might be torn on which one is still best for you. The real question is ultimately whether you are drawn to jewelry containing one, the other, or both. Thankfully, both are plentiful in jewelry and can be found at any gem or jewelry store. Ohio Gem Lab is sure to be able to use these for you in a custom piece or any other unique pieces for you to look at for any occasion you might have. If you’re looking for any other birthstone pieces, we surely have you covered, as well.


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